Busy Daddy and Physical Therapist chronicles his efforts to stay fit and competitive and offers pearls of wisdom from his life in athletics and career in therapy and athletic training

Monday, May 3, 2010


As the intensity or resistance of one's exercise increases then you are bound to get sore.  Soreness is not a bad thing, and it usually peeks about 48 hrs after exercise.  This leads to the term "delayed-onset muscle soreness" or DOMS for short.  It is debated in the literature what exactly causes this sensation.  It is believed that micro-trauma to muscle tissue leads to chemical mediators being released that irritate nerve endings resulting in the "soreness" sensation.  I bring this up because yesterday I played in a soccer match which has left me a little bit sore.  One of my favorite (massage would be my favorite...buy pricey) tools for working out soreness and muscle spasms is the stick roller.  It works great on the quadriceps, ilio-tibial band, and calf musculature.  It can also be used on the hamstrings and back, but may require some assistance by another.  Some fitness professional argue that 4-5 mins of stick rolling can be almost as beneficial as traditional stretching due to the relaxation of "trigger points".  Various stick rollers are available on the Internet, but this is the one I use and my stick of choice: The Stick-Self Roller Massager - Travel Stick

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