Busy Daddy and Physical Therapist chronicles his efforts to stay fit and competitive and offers pearls of wisdom from his life in athletics and career in therapy and athletic training

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A total body experience

It had been a few days since I was able to get to the gym so I took a slightly different approach to my workout.  My body was feeling like it needed a "once over" or a total body workout.  Therefore, I set out to do a little cardio, and then hit upper body and lower body.  I only had about an hour and I chose to do 3.25 miles in 30 mins on the treadmill.  Followed this up with an upper body circuit consisting of cable bicep curls, cable chest flys on a stability ball, plank position rows and plank position reverse flys with dumbbells (see video below).  The latter two exercises are great for core stability and gleno-humeral stability (shld joint stability).  I also threw in some lateral raises for the deltoids on the cable column.  The upper body/core work was coupled with some single-leg deep squats with a greater than 90 degree angle, and what I call the "hamstring circuit" (see second video below).  I did at least 3 sets of everything for 10-20 reps.  I exited the gym approximately one hour after hopping on the treadmill.  I felt energized upon leaving the gym and not totally wiped out.  On a bit of a sidenote, I have decided that the race calendar for 2010 will consist of a sprint triathlon on August 29, and a half marathon through downtown Athens, GA on October 24.  Follow my training with workouts such as this one and more to come.  I promise lots of variety and always plenty of sweat.

1 comment:

  1. Embedded like a pro. Not just once, but two videos! It's nice to see the technique involved in the exercises.
