Busy Daddy and Physical Therapist chronicles his efforts to stay fit and competitive and offers pearls of wisdom from his life in athletics and career in therapy and athletic training

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Leg day

A lot of things have to go right over the course of the day to allow for a high-quality workout.  First, it starts with an adequate night's sleep the previous day, a good breakfast and lunch, and proper hydration throughout the day and during the workout session.  These ingredients mixed with what follows provides an excellent warm-up (exercise prep) and strength training session with focus on core stability in a limited amount of time.

GYM (Total time = 65 mins)
1.  Treadmill (30 mins)
2.  Dynamic stretching (Mark Verstegen; Core performance...see link below)

3.  Power cleans with Olympic bar and plate weights

4.  Split squats (dumbbell held in opposite hand of leg being worked--will illicit greater core muscle

    5.  Dead-lifts (one heavy dumbbell held by both hands in an upright position--will avoid scraping shin with straight bar)
    6.  Calf raises (using inverted leg-press)

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