Busy Daddy and Physical Therapist chronicles his efforts to stay fit and competitive and offers pearls of wisdom from his life in athletics and career in therapy and athletic training

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Interval training

Every now and then, something in life acts as a harsh reminder that "I am getting old".  Interval training served as this cruel reminder yesterday.  I ventured to a local high school to use their track for some 800 meter repeats.  I strapped on my Polar heart rate monitor (used to gauge workout intensity...as if my breathing rate was not good enough) and began my first 2 laps.  Pleased with my 3:25 time frame, but being realistic, I set my goal to do the remaining 3 x 800 meters in under 4 minutes each.  My rest intervals were spent jogging until my heart rate lowered between 120-130 bpm.  Although labor intensive, I am happy to report that I reached my goal.  The thought that I knew I would be blogging about this training session provided good motivation to "leg out" the last 200 meters of the final 800.  Fairly spent, I started thinking about the mile repeats that I want to work up to in training for the half marathon that I plan on doing in October.  To recap:
1.  4 x 800 meter repeats
2.  Rest intervals (jogging until HR= 120-130 bpm)
3.  Total mileage= 3.25 miles

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