Busy Daddy and Physical Therapist chronicles his efforts to stay fit and competitive and offers pearls of wisdom from his life in athletics and career in therapy and athletic training

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fitting in Fitness

Teachers do not get paid enough. I say this because I help coach a group of 7 and 8 year old boys once a week. It is a challenge to keep their attention and to keep them on task. In addition, I have to also figure out how I get some exercise too. I design drills and activities that force me to move FAST. I sprint forward, backward, and laterally. The key is that I just keep moving, and this does not allow the kids time to start wrestling in the grass. Ok, they still do that from time to time...the joys of coaching.

So many adults have forgotten how to sprint. Running fast is fun and fully activates muscles often neglected with just "jogging". Runners will refer to this type of training as "speed work" or a "track day". In the PT clinic, I often see individuals who average 9-10 minute miles or slower, and they develop a lot of hip flexor tightness combined with posterior muscle weakness. This slow, repetitive stride length results in gluteal and hamstring weakness. I like to adhere to the 3/2 program outlined by FIRST (Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training).
This involves 2 days of distance running, one speed training day, and 2 days of cross-training (cardio exercise other than running). This is the most important thing to learn to avoid overuse injuries. Following this post is a link to the book.

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