Busy Daddy and Physical Therapist chronicles his efforts to stay fit and competitive and offers pearls of wisdom from his life in athletics and career in therapy and athletic training

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Strength training during tri-season

I was asked to share my thoughts/ advice regarding a lower body training day and an upper body training day for triathletes in mid-season.  Most triathletes know the value of strength training, but do not want to endure soreness which might affect their runs, bikes, or swims.  I would argue that any exercise can be modified to decrease the level of difficulty and intensity.  A typical in-season routine follows.  I like to warm-up the legs with wall squats using a stability ball in the small of my back.  I really value the single-leg bridge and the hamstring circuit (see previous blogs).  To generate some explosive legs (helps with sprinting and climbing hills on the bike), I like step-up jumps with weight and alternating jump lunges.  I will sometimes mix in some lateral lunges holding a plate or kettlebell instead of the jump lunges.  You can not neglect your calf musculature.  I vary between leg press calf raises and standing single-leg calf raises off a small ledge/ platform.  I stick with low weight and high reps during the tri season and avoid intense soreness so my legs are fresh for various run and cycling sessions.  I will follow up soon with an upper body routine.  I hope this helps.

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